Paolo & Money is a dance theatre performance for 9-13 year olds about the street child Paolo and his invisible friend Money.

Paolo is 10 year old. He lives on the street. Every morning he grabs his little black bag and goes into the streets to polish shoes. In the night he sleeps on plastic bags or cardboard boxes left at the marketplace. If he is lucky, he might find pieces of old fruits that he can put under the plastic and boxes to take the worst of the cold. But cardboard, plastic and fruit can not protect him against the gangs of the streets or the adults coming in the night. So he has made an agreement with Money, his invisible friend, that he will stay awake and keep guard.When you've got Money you are safe and need not worry about anything. A tourist once told Paolo this.

The streets are working place and home for more than 100 million children all over the world. Many are depending on drugs to relieve the pain from attacks, violence, fights and illness and to escape from reality. A reality filled with anxiety and an enormous lack of care. 

Paolo & Money is a raw unpolished dance theatre performance about the life as a street child. A story about when escapism is the only way to survive reality. 

Research into narratives and conditions of street children was made at a.o. places SOS Children's village in Chile prior to the production.

****** Anne Middelboe Christensen, Børneteateravisen

Concept & artistic direction: Ingrid Tranum Velásquez
Choreography: Ingrid Tranum in collaboration with the performers.
Scenography: Julie Forchhammer  
Music: Jørgen Teller
Reality sound design: Anne Eltard  
Light design: Mikkel Jensen
Dramaturgy: Vibeke Wrede, 
Scenekunstens Udviklingscenter  
Technician: Hannah Anbert  
On stage: Ernesto Piga Carbone, Katri Siipola, Anders Skat, Jørgen Teller.

The production is supported by:

Københavns Scenekunstudvalg.